Practice Justin K Small Practice Justin K Small

Going Solo with Your Tribe

For Artist China Jordan, choosing to work for yourself shouldn’t mean that you lose your professional support network. She asserts that calling on your social circles, or “tribe”, can be your best secret weapon for success when the going gets tough.

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Practice Justin K Small Practice Justin K Small

I, For One, Welcome Our Robot Overlords

Copy Director Jim Compton-Hall tells us to hone our craft and, well, be better. The art of copywriting takes talent and emotional intelligence to understand a brief, to make words sing in a way that brands are looking for. But can this one day be done by AI? The answer is unclear. Either way,

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Practice Justin K Small Practice Justin K Small

User-Centred Design Won’t Save The World – But It Can Help

In Ethnographic Researcher Catriona Hay’s experience, a little bit of empathy can make a whole lot of impact. A tiny fix can change a whole design. Often, these tiny fixes come from truly grasping what the end user needs – understanding the human on the other side of the design, and being able to empathise with what they need.

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