Alternative Thinking Justin K Small Alternative Thinking Justin K Small

Longing to Belong: How Brands can build Loyalty through Communities

From the network of support to the steadying sense of identity, being part of a tribe goes a long way to offset the turbulence-as-usual that now defines our lives. New research from an FSC white paper shows that leveraging this power of community has become the critical factor for brands to build customer loyalty and business growth.

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Alternative Thinking Justin K Small Alternative Thinking Justin K Small

Getting to Goldilocks (Or, the Art of Asking the Right Question)

Sean Kelleher-Clarke, Head of Programme & Project Management at Nesta, believes the art of problem-solving requires the ability to think outside of what’s directly in front of us. Sometimes we can be too close to a project or issue to see what needs tweaking, which creates bias in our quest for an efficient solution. To find our way to the winning outcome, we have to first set our course by asking the question that isn’t too big or too small, but ‘just right’: the Goldilocks question.

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Alternative Thinking Justin K Small Alternative Thinking Justin K Small

Is It Time to Change How We Think About Purpose?

Paul Skinner, best-selling author of The Purpose Upgrade, believes we need more dynamic guiding narratives that make purpose the ultimate renewable resource for enterprise. Conventional approaches to organisational purpose are often static, and find their expression in metaphors such as our ‘north star’. In a more crisis-prone environment, however, we are frequently forced to redefine what success looks like in the first place.

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