An FSC White Paper
Mission Command

How to be an Effective Leader in Complex Environments with Gareth Tennant
Gareth Tennant is the former Head of Intelligence at the Royal Marines. He is an expert in leadership and liaison in a range of capacities, from operational planning to delivery of tactical high-risk operations.
Over an extensive career in the Royal Marines, Gareth specialised in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations. Having learned and honed his trade in some of the world’s toughest and most complex environments, from combat in Afghanistan to tracking pirates in Somalia, he became a global leader in the art of ‘Information Exploitation’.
He now supports business leaders, governments and security services in the art of decision-making in complex environments. He ensures they can adapt as the threats change; he has worked extensively in the developing world of cybersecurity and the use of social media as an intelligence tool. He is used to integrating new paradigms into established institutions.
We are experiencing one of the most tumultuous times the business world has ever seen. Leaders are questioning the best route to see their organisations through the commercial fog, to be able to navigate these choppy waters – and perhaps wondering how they can even make strategic decisions amidst such uncertainty.
This paper aims to answer these questions, drawing on unique insight from Gareth Tennant, who uses his military background to support business leaders, governments and security services in the art of decision making in complex environments.
There are striking correlations between global security challenges and those faced by businesses in highly de-centralised and connected environments. But it can be hard for organisations to bridge the gap between understanding the lessons from military command and actually applying practical changes. FSC aims to demonstrate that these concepts can be grounded into usable solutions.

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